MAGicBead™ cfDNA Isolation Kit (Zymo Research)
The new MAGICbeadTM cfDNA kit enables high-yield extraction of cfDNA from plasma and other biofluids with a novel DNA binding/release mechanism.
- Highest Yield: Robust cfDNA isolation from up to 10 mL plasma w/ unique MAGicBead™ surface technology
- NGS-Ready: High-quality cfDNA from plasma, saliva, urine, etc. is ideal for NGS
- Compatible: With all open automation platforms and most blood collection tube types
- Fragment Sizes: For plasma samples, DNA fragments will typically display a mono-nucleosomal peak in the 140-170 bp range and a genomic DNA fragments peak > 10 kb.
- Processing Time:1-1.5 hour (~15 minutes hands-on time)
A Simple, streamlined extraction process with minimal number of steps.
- Datasheet (.pdf)
- Protocol (.pdf)
- Quick protocol (.pdf)
- Automation notes (.pdf)
- SDS (MSDS) (.pdf)
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