High-throughput exosome isolation: The Exo-spin™ 96 kit

 Exo-spin™ 96 kit (CellGS


The Exo-spin™ 96 enables high-throughput purification of exosomes in less than 30 minutes. Exosomes can be isolated directly from protein-rich samples such as sera and plasma. The kit provides proven size exclusion chromatography (SEC) mini-column (EX01) technology in a 96-well format,thus allowing up to 96 individual samples to be processed in less than 30 minutes.


  • High-throughput exosome isolation at the benchtop in the standard 96 well format in under 30 minutes
  • Purify up to 0.5 ml of each sample
  • Up to 99% of free proteins removed
  • Outstanding reproducibility +/- 5% Standard deviation, for consistent exosome purification, time after time
  • Flexibility to just work with single strips of 8 columns at a time
  • The convenience of purified exosomes eluted directly into a 96 well plate ready for high throughput downstream applications

VIDEO - How to use the Exo-spin 96 to purify exosome




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